Mitsidi participates in Project 3E of the Ministry of the Environment

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As promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and the United Nations Development Programme, the project “Transformation of the Market for Energy Efficiency in Brazil”, known as Projeto 3E, published its first findings.

Financed by the Interamerican Development Bank (BID) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the overall objective of Projeto 3E is to influence, transform and develop the energy efficiency market in commercial and public buildings in Brazil, leading the country to energy consumption with a smaller carbon footprint and greater sustainability.

In partnership with the companies Synergia and EcoSapiens, Mitsidi participated and contributed in the delivery of the published findings. Two practical guides about labeling and seven instructional videos were developed for the execution phase by Dr. Arthur Cursino and Arq. Bráullio Nunes. The materials are:





The material highlights the importance of the Brazilian Program of Building Labeling (PBE Edifica), presenting step by step the process of labeling and models of the Etiqueta Nacional de Conservação de Energia (ENCE).

Mitsidi would like to thank the partners involved for the intense participation in this project of transforming the course of the Brazilian market towards sustainable development.


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