Greenpeace publishes study about the impacts and benefits of solar microgeneration distributed in Brazil

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According to the Empresa de Pesquisa Energetica (EPE), if all potential photovoltaic (PV) energy generation was taken advantage of Brazil would have a rise in the volume of energy generated that could supply two and a half times total domestic consumption. Nevertheless, solar energy today corresponds to just .02% of the national energy matrix.

In this context, Greenpeace evaluated several incentives of distributed microgeneration and the impacts each one would have on Brazil in reality. Within these measures, there is the possibility to use the FGTS for the purchase of PV systems, the exclusion of incidental ICMS for generated electricity, smaller IPTU values for residencies with PV systems and the exclusion of import taxes, PIS/COFINS and incidental IPI for system components, etc.

The analyses were consolidated in six different scenarios, from 2015-2030, and realized for Mitsidi at the request of Greenpeace Brasil. The technical consultant responsible for the studies is Arthur Cursino, Doctorate in Energy and Technical Director of Mitsidi, with the support of Msc. Rafael Konzen and Msc. Edgar Perlotti.

In the best scenario estimated, called Melhor Brasil, the adoption of several more practical measures could impulse the market to almost 9 million solar units by 2030, which represents 41.4 GW of potential installed power and 122.2 million metric tons of CO2 avoided.

The study is available on the Greenpeace website.

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